Tips For Transitioning From One Job To Another: How To Make A Smooth Career Change

JobWhen getting a new job, you may feel eager to get started. Before officially moving forward, there are a few things you can do to make your transition more successful. By preparing yourself for this new role, you can feel more comfortable and confident at your new company. In this article, we explain how to successfully transition to a new job and share additional tips.

Prepare for change
Before you change jobs, be sure to do a bit of preparation. For example, there are certain steps you can take to ensure you are prepared to handle a specific change. Perhaps you have a client base you feel comfortable with. If that is the case, do some research into the company and current opportunities. However, if the change is a more drastic one, be prepared to make a drastic change.

For instance, if you are going to start at a completely different department, you may have to learn a whole new set of things. This can be challenging, so take advantage of company training or learn on the job. Take advantage of the transition process by reading company websites to learn about the company culture and internal processes.

Prepare your belongings
Before arriving to your new job, it is important that you have everything ready for you. It is best to have a week or two to transition into your new role. Try to separate the items that you brought with you from items that you purchased. Don’t feel bad if it takes you a few days to feel like a “full-fledged” employee at your new company.

It is also helpful to spend a few extra hours at home to set things up. Ideally, you should keep the exact same wardrobe for your new job to help you appear more professional. You may also need to learn a few new things, which you can do by watching a few instructional videos online or by reading a book on the subject.

Lay out your daily routine

Once you have everything organized, you should be ready for the new day ahead.

Find a mentor
It can be hard to transition from an industry you’ve always known to a new industry. Whether you’re starting as a salesman, sales manager, buyer, engineer, etc., finding a mentor is a smart idea. A mentor can give you the inside scoop on how a particular industry works, share advice and valuable insights, and help you learn the ropes of your new job and the industry as a whole.

At Xero, we believe in the power of mentorship. We currently have a mentorship program in place for our regional managers. We have a volunteer professional who is happy to offer free advice to new managers in our region. This is a great way for our new regional managers to gain valuable experience in a short amount of time.

Make connections
When you’re deciding whether or not to change jobs, one of the most important things you can do is make connections. This doesn’t mean spending a ton of time at the office, but it’s important to make sure that you’re part of any group events that are going on. This will show that you’re serious about getting involved and can help open doors and build your network.

Keep a professional attitude

Once you start working, make sure you still maintain a professional attitude. It’s not polite to act like a jerk just because you have to go somewhere. Always dress appropriately and treat others the way you would like to be treated. Once you get involved in your new company, it will be easier to get along with others.

Transitioning to the new environment
Some employers want you to join right away, while others may want you to wait a few weeks or months. In either case, having a good sense of the work style and culture is important so you can blend in smoothly. You should look for companies that promote face-to-face contact, value work-life balance, and pay well. By bringing these things up in your initial conversations, you will be more likely to be successful at your new job.

Preparing for your new job

During the interview process, you may be given an outline of the work style and culture at your new company. You can also ask about certain goals or job descriptions that may apply to you. At the very least, you should be able to determine if there is more flexibility or hard work than at your previous job.

Dealing with an unpleasant co-worker
Knowing how to deal with difficult co-workers is something that every working professional needs to learn. This is a big deal in the workplace. You may encounter a co-worker that will make your job miserable, yet you need to do your best to maintain a professional attitude. There are ways you can handle this issue in a productive manner. You should ask the person what is bothering them. This can help you understand the situation and get past this person.

The same approach works in personal life, too. Just because you don’t see someone on a regular basis, it doesn’t mean that the same issues won’t affect them. You can ask questions and be your own advocate.

Getting your paperwork in order

Take time to put all of your important documentation and forms into one place.

Maintaining your work-life balance
When you find yourself at a new company, you may be tempted to immediately take on new projects. However, remember to maintain your work-life balance. Maintaining balance will allow you to enjoy your new position and new surroundings without worrying about burnout. By creating a daily schedule and sticking to it, you can maximize your time at your new job and enjoy your new responsibilities. If you do need to take on extra projects, prioritize them. As long as you’re able to check off as many tasks as possible each day, you’ll maintain your work-life balance and keep yourself busy without overloading yourself.

Re-examining your goals

Once you’ve found a new job, you may feel like you’ve accomplished your most important goals for the year. This may be true, but it’s not enough.